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Firm News

Primary Reasons for Failed Marriages

The term "failed marriages" may be a harsh characterization, as sometimes as marriages evolve spouses grow apart, rather than the marriage being a failure. However, when marriages do dissolve, there are common factors at play. From lack of communication to untreated...

Understanding Your Divorce Options: A Free Resource

Finding the right guidance about your divorce can make all the difference. Divorce OptionsTM is a highly recommended educational webinar that provides invaluable insights into the divorce process, legal considerations, and practical strategies for managing your life...

Divorce: What About Pensions?

The financial intricacies of a divorce can be confusing, especially when it involves dividing pensions. Understanding how pensions function and the legal frameworks surrounding them is a key part of an equitable agreement. Understanding Pensions Pensions are “defined...

How to Have a Positive Co-Parenting Relationship with Your Ex-Spouse

Effective co-parenting after a divorce means that your children’s needs come first. Always keep in mind the kind of childhood you want for them—one where they feel safe, loved, and supported by both parents. Setting aside conflict is important to your children’s...

I Just Told My Spouse I Want a Divorce – Now What?

The decision to divorce is not easy.  One of the toughest parts is telling your spouse you want a divorce.  The next question is often where to go from there. Here’s a guide to help you through the next steps on the road to divorce. Choose Your Divorce Process One of...

Why Do Dignity and Respect Matter in Divorce?

When you go through a divorce, the values of respect and dignity can serve as guiding lights, illuminating a path that not only eases the transition for you and your spouse but also profoundly impacts the lives of your children. Divorce isn't just about severing ties;...

Are There Victims in Divorce?

When we talk about victims of divorce, it's crucial to acknowledge that the term "victim" carries weight and complexity, especially when applied to innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire of adult decisions. Divorcing parents should be aware of how children, who...

How Your Emotions Can Make Your Divorce More Expensive

Divorce is an emotional process.  What many divorce clients do not realize is that the emotions related to the divorce, if left unchecked, can significantly increase the cost of the divorce process. Emotions are driven by the primitive part of our brain which turns...

Is There a Kind Way to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Divorce?

Breaking the news to your spouse that you want a divorce is one of the most challenging conversations you will ever have. But is there a kinder way to approach telling your spouse about your decision than simply blurting it out at the dinner table? Firstly,...

How Can I Keep My Sanity During Our Divorce? – Lisa R. Murray

Divorce can be so overwhelming that many people going through it wonder if they can keep their sanity.  The divorce process brings about a lot of changes, from possible relocation to confusing and sometimes emotional legal proceedings, all while dealing with the...

