Collaboration Is A Better Way.

Property Division

How Are Digital Assets Divided in Divorce?

Dividing digital assets has become more common in divorces. It can be complicated to locate digital assets and to put a value on them.  However, they are divided like any other marital asset in California. Digital Assets and Community Property Generally, all assets...

Divorce: What About the House?

During a divorce, the house is the most common (and generally the largest) asset that the divorcing parties need to address. This is especially true if the home is owned by both parties. (both spouses/partners are listed as an owner on the home's deed/loan). As a...

Separating Property in Divorce

Lisa Murray, Bay Area family law attorney, talks about California community and separate property in divorce including stock options, RSUs, pension plans, the business, the home, debt and the wedding ring... Click here to watch video

