Collaboration Is A Better Way.

Month: January 2022

The Importance of Prenuptial Agreements

Couples eager to start planning a deferred wedding, as well as those who have been previously married can benefit from a productive discussion about their premarital assets. Prenuptial agreements ensure partners can be clear about their stock, investment, savings, and...

Remembering the Adult Children in a Divorce

Adult children in a divorce are often an overlooked group of people that are impacted by the divorce. Parents wrongly assume their divorce will not affect children who are no longer living at home and who have built lives of their own outside of the family unit....

Pet Custody in Divorce

Many people consider Pets to be family members, and yet the law considers pets to be property in a divorce case. During a divorce, spouses can, and often do, create a custody agreement for the pet. Deciding how to handle pet custody depends on your relationship with...

Preserving Relationships After Divorce

After a divorce, it is sometimes challenging to harness intense emotions and keep them from spilling into other relationships. You may wonder, “Why is it important to preserve the relationships that you have?” There are many reasons to maintain and protect your...

How to Have a Child Centered Divorce

As difficult as divorce is for spouses, children are innocent victims of the family disruption. Children do not have a choice about whether their parents will divorce. The lives of the children change in many ways and they are the ones that must do a lot of the work....

